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Navigating the Post-Pandemic World: A Conversation Between Suzanne and Marika (S1 E3)

Writer: Marika Marika

Updated: Mar 25, 2024

After the recent webinar, Podcasting with a Purpose: How to share your message using a podcast, on January 25th, (hosting provided by Suzanne Clothier's Relationship Centered Training learning platform). I thought it might be fun to highlight the older but goodie episode from way back at the beginning of my podcasting journey. Please enjoy the highlights below,


In the third episode of series 1: Health and Wellness, Suzanne teamed up with Marika Bell on the podcast episode, Preparing Our Dogs for Post Pandemic Life. With the end game to discuss the effect of the pandemic on domesticated pets' behavior and phycology.

The Scramble for Pets

At the beginning of the episode, it came to light that there's been a rush for adopting pets during the pandemic. In fact, Suzanne voiced her concerns for this trend, as some would-be pet parents might not understand the responsibility that accompanies pet ownership.

Amid jokes and friendly banter, the conversation shifted gears towards the details of post-pandemic life. Suzanne and Marika provide insight on how pet owners, both new and seasoned, can help their pets tackle the sudden changes post-pandemic.

Helping Pets Navigate Post-Pandemic

Suzanne's insights proved helpful for those looking for practical, empathetic ways to guide their pets through post-pandemic adjustments. She stresses the need to interpret behavioral cues from the pets in order to respond appropriately to their needs. Suzanne also provides actionable and insightful tips for pet owners such as:

Testing Separation: Suzanne recommends leaving your pets alone in a room for a while, even as you’re home. This will help condition them for longer alone times when their humans return full-time to the office.

Exploring Enrichment: She also suggested owners should be proactive and begin exploring pet-friendly activities that can keep their pets busy during the day when they may be alone.

Building Life Skills: Marika emphasizes the need to teach pets certain essential life skills, particularly total dependence on the presence of their human companion.

Wrapping Up

As the podcast comes to an end, the duo discusses the beauty of animals and why humans are drawn to them. Suzanne and Marika share their individual encounters with animals of different species and their personal affirmations of why the relationship with animals should be based on understanding, empathy, and connection rather than control. They agree that a relationship with animals is a wonderful and fulfilling journey that every animal lover should wholeheartedly embrace.

The episode ends with the idea that understanding and helping pets navigate the post-pandemic circumstances requires patience, compassion, and an open line of communication. Don’t expect them to simply adapt. Instead, help them effectively learn how to handle the new changes.

(This blog post was based on an AI generated script and edited by me for accuracy and additional information)

Show Notes:

So many of us worked from home this year that many people decided to get an animal companion. Many of these dogs have had no experience or are out of practice with being left at home alone. I talk with Author and International dog trainer, Suzanne Clothier, about our dog's mental/emotional health and how to prepare our dogs for post-pandemic life. But just to set some expectations we go on for a while just having a nice chat about life with animals:)

Guest: Suzanne Clothier has worked with animals professionally since 1977, with a background includes obedience, agility, puppy testing, breeding, Search and Rescue, conformation, instructing, kennel management and AAT. Her Relationship Centered Training™ approach blends science and heart to create humane, effective and practical solutions for dogs and the people who work with them, whether professional working dogs or couch warming companions. Her suite of assessment tools provides a powerful framework for trainers and organizations: RAT™ (Relationship Assessment Tool) – handler/dog dynamics, rapid assessment plus ability to track and compare CARAT™ (Clothier Animal Response Assessment Tool) – temperament assessment on 6 categories, 21 dimensions FAT™ (Functional Assessment Tool, release in 2022) – global of functionality/welfare assessment across physiological, social and cognitive dimensions.


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